
Sunday, December 15, 2013

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Festivus!

I asked my girls what holiday they'd like to celebrate this year and they chose Festivus... I don't know. That one involves an unadorned aluminum pole instead of  Christmas tree right? Hmmmm... I suppose a large knitting needle might do for that. But then what are they supposed to do with it. Dance around it? Pose for pictures by it? Hmmm... I'm unsure about this one. Anyway, this was the holiday they chose when I entered the winter holiday swap. And this is what my wonderful swap partner Cara sent me...

Two gorgeous little outfits. And get this, the little hat has Festivus embroidered on it! Adorable!

And this is Lady Leopy wearing a fabulous holiday hair bow. Cara also sent us a sweet little puppy ornament (you see the girls are a quite open minded.... they picked out their holiday, but they're not above taking part in mine too).

 There were lots of fun candies too, but the best bit was this...

"Booyah! I know what we're doing tonight!"

A bowling game! It has to be the just the most perfect little Festivus gift ever. Well kudos to Cara for this most clever of gifts.

And Wren is able to hold the ball without dropping it, It's a Festivus Miracle! (actually that took a bit of doing, let me tell you)

Well, it seems to have turned out to be a sweet holiday for them. I'm still not sure why they chose it. I'm a little worried that it might be that 'Festivus doesn't end until you pin the head of household' thing. LOL! Isn't that just the sort of thing that all those people who are frightened of Blythe dolls fear? He he he...

And now for what I sent to Cara...

Her holiday was Christmas, so I started with the obvious.

The ornaments I wire wrapped myself, the string of lights actually light up, and the tinsel garland is silver fun fur.... I think it works quite well. And then for the tree topper I made this...

Sorry the pic is a bit fuzzy, my camera doesn't do tiny things well. It's Angelica Eve of course. I printed her out on Shrinky Dink material, cut her out, shrunk her down, and then affixed her to a thimble and sealed her. I think she makes the perfect little angel for the tree top.

And I sent along these...

I painted and customized these a bit (they used to be white and bright pink!) You see Cara had just done up a lovely house for her girls and I thought she could use some furnishings. Hope she likes them.

And lastly there's these...

A gingerbread dress, some Twilight book miniatures (she's fond of Twilight), a tray of cookies, a nutcracker (it's not Christmas with out one of those right?), some cupcakes, and of course you'll recognize the fruitcake I posed how to make earlier. And lastly, the gingerbread house. Just perfect for a large size gingerhouse for a Blythe table, but it can also be hung like an ornament. And... it's real gingerbread! completely edible! Royal icing and everything. So when you get bored of looking at it, you can devour it. : )

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