I did things a little differently than I did with Parsley. I wanted to make her head lighter so instead of using a coil of polymer in the center I used a ball of foil. I made Pepper's head in stages. I sculpted her face first and then after curing it, I added the ball of foil to the center and sculpted more clay around the back to finish forming the head. Her head is lighter than Parsley's, not as light as I'm used to with Beatrix of course, but a bit lighter. I left a hole in the base to add the neck joint and I think I did a much better job of it this time as Pepper's head has just as much mobility as Beatrix, whereas I still need to remove a little of the hardened epoxy for Parsley to move as much. A tip: if you're ever baking a face and you want to avoid scorching of the nose and lips, surround it with baking powder. Since Pepper's face was going back in for a second go, I placed the head face down in an oven safe bowl full of baking powder, worked like a charm :)
Couldn't resist a little photo shoot with all the girls...