
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Lady Leopy

This beautiful creature is Lady Leopy, a custom Blythe by oTto kiNDeR...

As I understand it she was originally a V Smash, now that's quite a transformation!

I'd seen many gorgeous customs out there, but the day I saw her I was stunned. I immediately called my husband over and much to my amazement his first words at seeing her were "bid on her". Now I'd shown him customs before and while he admired what people could do with customizing Blythes he'd never once been moved enough to tell me to actually bid on a doll that someone else had done.

But as you can see a girl like this is one of a kind.

I suppose I should mention that my husband and I are very fond of cats. Well... fond might be an understatement, we own nine cats. But before anyone jumps all over us about this, let me make it perfectly clear that they are all fixed (we're not running a cat farm here). And well, with my love of Blythe and my love of cats this girl was certain to catch my attention.

Of course I had no idea that for my husband (who likes Blythe well enough but had never had any particular attraction to any one of them) would outright tell me to bid on one. But there you go........ Cat + Blythe = "bid on her", and we've never been so pleased.

And our cats were pretty happy about it too. : )

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