
Monday, October 24, 2016

Friday, October 21, 2016

Click Chicks, Custom Mini Dolls on the Cheap

My husband and I were at the movie theater recently and in a surge of childhood nostalgia I decided to go check out the games and bubble gum/toy vending machines while we waited for our show. That's when I discovered these...

These little darlings are known as Click Chicks. And at fifty cents a piece, and sporting little bodies with big anime heads (remind you of anyone?) I couldn't pass them up. I bought two and quickly discovered the second one I bought didn't come with a body, so I bought a third.

They each come with a face, a body (um.... well one didn't), a colorful hairstyle (which also makes up the back of the head), a little snap on dress, and a small sheet of sticker decorations for the dress and head (little bows and the like) and some sticker eyes in case you don't like the original eyes and eyebrows the face comes with (they wash off easily enough). And here are my experimental endeavors to that end...

Ignore the eyes on the one on the right, they looked very cute on the sheet but not so great when I put them on her. I think these dolls are very clever, the stickers peel on and off easily and it seems if you have any sort of skills with tiny painting you might be able to paint faces on them if you wanted. I don't know how the plastic would stand up to low heat in an oven, but I'm tempted to take the extra face I've got and try it out, if it didn't change much one might be able to customize with polymers as well. I could see adding some polymers to the dresses or the hair for the purpose of adding texture. Even if you couldn't bake them I know some people in the Lego community who add polymers to some of their creations and set them with a hairdryer or heat gun. Overall they are cute and have quite a bit of potential, I may do some experimenting.