This is Parsley...
She is the Makie doll I intended to make after Beatrix, someday, when I could afford it. But of course life has a way of interfering with one's plans and now that the company has vanished I had given up on making her. However a very nice person on the Official Makies Fangroup on Facebook was able to sell me both the body and the wig she would have had :D With these two things in hand I decided to make the head. *GASP* Yeah, I'm not sure it's such a good idea either, but the idea wouldn't leave me so of course I had to see it through till the end. I did used to sculpt doll heads out of polymers back in the day, though those were smaller, and I figured I could at least give it a shot. So here is my first ever attempt at a Makie head, based on what I wanted Parsley to look like, to the best of my ability. It's not finished by any means, she still needs some micro sanding and this is my first time working with watercolor pencils (she is not yet sealed) but it's been fun so far and I wanted to share what I'd done up till now...
Here she is partially through the sculpt...
And again, a little further along...
After I had a start to the face, to kind of see where her character was going and get attached to the idea, I began to fill in the back of the head with the idea of going back to finish the face after...
Building up the hollow of the head. I was surprised at just how few pictures of a bald Makie profile I could find on the internet (I wanted to get the shape a close as I could) though I did manage to find one....
Filling the head with thick coils to aide in the curing and cooling (this thing is was obviously going to be thick)....
And I'm more or less finished with the face. I intended her to have a bit of a wide face and this is even a bit wider than intended but since the polymer will shrink a bit and sanding will be needed I'm pretty pleased to call this good for the sculpt. Ah, almost forgot, the eyes are glass and heat safe, I ordered them from China....
Placement of the hole for connecting the head to body, I was so pleased the bod came with the ball joint for the neck, I wasn't sure if it would....
Baked and first sanding. With the piece being so large I knew there might be some browning if I wasn't careful. I set the temp lower than recommended and let it go for longer. Luckily the head cured and I got away with only a light bit of brown on the nose and one eyebrow, which was easily sanded off....
More sanding needed, and no face up yet, but I decided to set the head on the body to see how things were going, I made her a little green dress as close as I could do to the one she would have come with (she's currently borrowing Beatrix's shoes)....
And now her face with a bit of color, still unsealed yet....
And that's as far as I've gotten. hoping to make more improvements in the future.